
rasskazy o dale 1

Горстка бобов 





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Yury Nechiporenko: books and projects


The Head of Communications
Moscow, 2010
For adults and children 10+
384246 366711780075181 1878407087 n
A son telling the story of his father's life is a narrative rarely featured in children's books. Yury Nechiporenko's prose shows the world of family and friends from a child's perspective: funny and terrible stories form into a kaleidoscope, offering a motley picture of life. A carefully conveyed end-of-the-Soviet-era atmosphere and a hidden connection with the old traditions of urban and rural family nurturance signify the unique artistic value of this book. Alongside previously published stories, for the first time we are lucky to discover memories of the author's father — a pilot in the 1930s, he served in the Far East even before the Great Patriotic War (WWII) began. Here the everyday life of people in pre-war and war years is revealed from an unexpected, surprising point of view. The epoch, represented through family stories, is shown with kind humor and a generous heart.
The book was translated into Croatian.

In the series "For adults and children" 12 books of modern children's writers from the writers club" Black chicken " were published.


Laugh and whistle
Moscow, 2012
For adults and children 10+
163545 279055835523065 163100170 n
The stories in this book are full of innocence, sincerity, and mischief. The author manages to write in a way, which is interesting both for adults and children. For all the right reasons, his books on Gogol and Lomonosov received rave reviews from critics and teenagers. For the first time, the book is fully represented by Nechiporenko the Prosaist: it is full of short stories with almost no fiction, but in no way do these stories lack the miracles offered by vivid life. The author entrusts the reader with rather risky things: stories of boyish triumph, resentment, and humiliation, but he does it with such tact and taste that his stories will be of great interest to the widest circle of readers, regardless of gender and age. The world of South Russian culture intertwines with the Ukrainian world, while family stories connect with the ones of school and streets, and this contiguity leads to an incredible enrichment, to the joy of communication and understanding. The author is also a scientist, so the article "Think Russian" is added to the storybook only to introduce one of Nechiporenko's many talents as a children's writer.


The book received four prestigious awards: "Yasnaya Polyana", "Golden Delvig" (award "Literary newspaper", "Cherished dream" and the name of Alexei Tolstoy. Stories from the book were included in school textbooks. In the series "For those over 10" was published 11 books of children's writers from the club "Black chicken".
The book was translated into Chinese and published in «Library of Russian Literature in China”.


The Golden Cockerel
Moscow, 2015
For adults and teenagers 14+

10462389 648184765251298 7548007714432808394 o1
The hero of the novel is a teenager who has rare intuition and ingenuity. Growing up during the 90s — the years of change — his adolescence passes under extraordinary circumstances. He gets involved with a group of adventurers, who gain immense wealth. The book begins as a detective story but gradually turns into a journey-novel, a novel of upbringing. The author's fiction is always based on real circumstances —travels to the Crimea, Poland, China are described with deep knowledge of the subject. The author predicts the conflict in Ukraine long before its beginning and acquaints the reader with the phantasmagoric world of Gogol's fantasies. The first part of the novel was published in the magazine "Youth" in 1998 and invoked benevolent responses in the press.

Moscow, Octopus, 2017
For adults and children 6+

22730443 207330099808854 1000805283768573347 n
«Pushkin» is an easy, accessible and interesting story about the life of the great poet with much attention paid to his childhood and family. Here not only children, but also adults can learn a lot of new, entertaining stories about the life of the poet allow you to better understand and feel his works The book also introduces many colorful unusual illustrations: they are so relevant to the narrative that it feels like the illustrator — the famous caricaturist Vladimir Mochalov — echoes the author with great humor.


Yury Nechiporenko is publishing a project "For those over 10", which combines books of writers of different generations. In these books the best children's writers of Russia talk about childhood of different years - from the 40s to 90-ies of the twentieth century, forming a chain of childhood, which allows people of different generations to better understand each other.

Seven books was edited in Publishing House “Zhuk” in 2012-2013
1463634 481196161994125 512774926 n

 Four books of the project "For those over 10" published in the publishing house “Samokat”

10802006 10153031464577176 296648381889700151 nindkino12063829 10208881295887478 2779562282278314085 n18767694 1316620335118366 201208898569721872 n


Now a new book by Yury Nechiporenko is being prepared for publication
A handful of beans
For adults and children 10+

cover gorstka1

The previous book of the author in this series – “Laugh and whistle” - consisted of the stories about the childhood, which were further included in school textbooks and received several awards. The book tells about the impressions of a child and the educational and scientific experience of the author. The book is very unusual: author observes the weekdays of students and work of the scientists from the teenager point of view and tells about complicated things in a funny and vivid manner. Author is a professional biophysicist, but he has great interest in history, linguistics, and is known as an author of hundreds of articles and several books. The real stories from author’s life are alternated with fairy tales, the reality of a grown up man is mixed with children’s fantasy. This book allows one to get a novel look into life, it awakens the mind and is fascinating in both form and content. It’s also illustrated in a very special way: all of the book floors – children’s, fantasy and scientific - have found the implementation in an amazing illustrations by Daly Atabani.

Recently published a new book by Yuri Nechiporenko: "Little fairy tales."


Little fairy tales
For adults and children 6+

обложка Пудеева Page 1

The fairy tales collected in this book are rather unusual: they resemble stories of Oscar Wilde and Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Xu Dishan and Wang Meng, eastern fairy tales and sentences of ancient wise men. This book is for those who want to think and observe the world with eyes wide opened, love and believe in miracle – independent on age and sex. The book is beautifully illustrated with images of Lubov Pudeeva.

Living House

Yegor Yegorov and Yury Nechiporenko

Foradults and children 10+

kletka oblozka

 A book about how a living cell is organized can be certainly recommended to all schoolchildren, and not only to those who are interested in biology. The cells that make up all life in the world are exciting; they give us an example of efficiency and economy. This book is saturated with love for all living, enthusiasm for science - it's not for nothing that its authors are a scientist and a children's writer: readers receive first-hand information from the leading edge of science. Amusing images, funny expressive pictures, photographs taken under a microscope – all will help adolescents and adults to get an introduction to the mysterious world of a living cell. The book is beautifully illustrated by Olga Zolotoukhina and Yegor Yegorov and represents a colorful album of cellular life.

Biographical series of three books is made in the same style, the books are illustrated by the artist Evgeny Podkolzin


The Village Fair Boy (Life and Work of Nikolai Gogol)
For adults and children 10+

yarmarochnyy malchik


This book is about Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol, whose art has remained until recently rather mysterious, and his life- a secret. A number of little known details from the life of the writer allow us to rethink his literary heritage in a new way. Two Hundred years passed since Gogol’s birth, and the essence and meaning of his art open up to us only now, and in a complete way. The future writer was born in a small village fair settlement, called Velikie Sorochincy, and from childhood on he was delighted by the village fairs, merriments, theatrical performances, which were presented in the neighbouring villages by his mother and father. A local beauty, Smirnova-Rosset, called Gogol “a little gem“. The author of this book is a scientist and writer, reveals to the reader the real meaning of theses words.

The book was translated into Serbian and Greek.


A Helper to the Tsars (The Life and Work of Mikhail Lomonosov)
Moscow, Moscow State University, 2011
For adults and children 10+

Yurij Nechiporenko  Pomoschnik tsaryam

Lomonosov had a decisive influence upon both science and literature in Russia. A village boy he started his education in a parochial school, went on to a High School, attached to the Academy of Science, and finished with a German University degree.

Lomonosov also became the first poet in Russia, while he also pursued an outstanding academic career , in the Academy of Science. Without the help of supporters from the capital city, who helped the gifted boy, his skyrocketing career wouldn’t have been possible. His unique talent allowed him to shape the paths of Russian Enlightenment, and to become, according to Pushkin “The Helper of the Tsars“. Our present age has many similarities to the 18th century, there are reforms going on in Russia, and the example of a successful life in sciences may become useful for Russian boys and girls. The author of this book is a children book author, a Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences, Member of the Academy of Sciences, and of the MGU (State Moscow University), presents from a contemporary point of view not only the vicissitudes of life but also the basic achievements of the great Russian scientist, inventors, and poet.
The book was translated into Serbian.


Move on, brave boy!The young years of Alexander Pushkin.
(Moscow- St Petersburg, 2018, “August” Publishers, with participation of the publishers of “Children's Time“ (formerly “Detgiz“)
For adults and children 10+
33813086 340191616506340 1693489971131842560 n
The book is about the childhood and young years of Alexander Pushkin, with particular emphasis of the poet’s family, his friends and educators. “Sounds of glory, strange conversations and controversies“, accompanied the first poems of young poet and only the support of his educators, and true friends helped him to overcome the difficulties and gaining strength to develop his talent. The title of his book is taken from a letter by Zhukovsky, received by Pushkin in 1824, in one of the most exciting moments of his life. The poet had a quarrel with his father, and he was threatened by exile. Pushkin took Zhukovsky’s encouragement, and acted as he was expected to act, also by his friends, who were believers in his talent, and turned towards poetry. Later he made it up with his father, and in future years the father was greatly helping the son, i.e. he left him his heritage, which allowed Pushkin to marry his beloved. The book contains a number of interesting details, based on little known facts, which are helpful in understanding in a new way many events in the poet's biography, to follow the development of his unique personality.



----- НОВОСТИ -----

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На радио Медиметрикс Юрий Нечипоренко и Василий Ходорыч провели передачу, говорили о Пушкине:  Не устарел

В Литературке вышла рецензия на книгу о Дале

В Литературной газете #15 от 17 апреля вышла рецензия Ксении Жуковой на книгу Юрия Нечипоренко о Владимире Дале

"Маленькие сказки" в Библионочи на Тёплом стане

Библиотека № 173 приглашает 20 апреля всех желающих на встречу с писателем Юрием Нечипоренко в ра

Передача о Тургеневе

На радио "Медиаметрикс" вышла передаче о Тургеневе, которуя вели Юрий Нечипоренко и Василий Ходорыч. У нас бы

Вышла книжка о Владимире Дале

В Издательстве "Детская литература" в серии "Детям о великих людях России" вышла книга Юрия Нечипоренко "Расск

Выступление на выставке "Россия" на ВДНХ с лекцией о Ломоносове

16 января, во вторник, Юрий Нечипоренко выступает на выставке "Россия" с лекцией "Ломоносов - наш современник". Ф

СКАЗКИ АРФЫ И РОЯЛЯ 2 и 3 января 2024

2 и 3 января в 15.00 Библиотеке-читальне им. Тургенева https://turgenev.ru/ состоится новогоднее представление СКАЗКИ АР

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Студия Stadia поместила в сети ролики по "Маленьким сказкам"с трогательным предисловием https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLac

В РГДБ состоялась встреча с писателем Юрием Нечипоренко

В рамках празднования юбилея издательства "Детская литература" в РГДБ 9 декабря в 14.00 прошла встреча с писател

Встреча Общества друзей Газданова в ЦДЛ

В воскресенье 3 декабря в 16.00 в Малом зале Центрального Дома Литераторов (ул. Б.Никитская, д. 53)
состоится веч

Издательству "Детская литература - 90 лет!

Юрий Нечипоренко принял участие в большой пресс-конференции, посвященной 90 летию издательству "Детская лите

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Презентация сборника "Классики детской литературы из стран вдоль "Одного пояса, одного пути" прошла на площад

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Вышло большое интервью - рассказ об участии в Пекинской международной книжной ярмарке

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Юрий Нечипоренко вошёл в короткий список номинантов Национальной премии в области детской и подростковой литературы сезона 2023 года

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Ярмарка в Пекине

Юрий Нечипоренко с Павлом Басинским и Алексеем Варламовым представляет Россию на книжной ярмарке в Пек

Фестиваль на Красной Площади - 6 июня

Милости просим на Фестиваль на Красной Площади ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ Как жили и что сделали люди, которые оставили

В библиотеке иностранной литературы на фестивале 27 мая лекция Юрия Нечипоренко "Коды русской культуры"

Лекция пройдет с 13.15 до 14.15 в пространстве "Книжный клуб"  Адрес библиотеки: Москва, ул. Николоямская, д. 1 К

Вышла статья по математике

На сайте Preprints выложена версия статьи - Юрий Монич и Юрий Нечипоренко предложили новвый метод анализа корреля